Not ready for change? Changing your mindset might help
Wednesday, 04 November 2020
What Is Change? Fear of change is common and has been talked about widely. To prepare yourself for a career change (or any change for that matter), you must first understand what change is: a transition from one stage of being and/or thinking to another. Therefore, change is not simply an external event but rather entails a
- Published in Career Development, Career Transition, Fulfillment, Mindset, Values
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Just noticing….
Sunday, 23 February 2020
Recently I’ve been more on the tube than usual, as I mostly work from home, but go to the City for meetings and some client sessions. Apart from the heat and the rumbling noise of Northern Line trains that makes us cover our ears (and disrupts my Audible stream) I also noticed some other things:
- Published in Fulfillment, Mindset, Uncategorised, Values
Hacked Off
Tuesday, 22 October 2019
As a coach, I read a lot of articles online and I’m seeing more and more ‘life hacks’ and all sorts of ‘hacks’ encouraging readers to believe they can significantly improve or change an area of their life if they adopt them. Hacks of any sort irritate me, although there may be a generational element
- Published in Career Development, Fulfillment, Personal Branding