Guest Blog Post: Change Your Career the Smart Way

The world of work is constantly changing and the question of how to find the best career is becoming more and more challenging. With all the information available online, it can be hard to know what to do next. Having a steady career can be great, but it doesn’t always mean you’re going to be able to progress in that career. Whether you have decided to change careers or are looking for ways to transition into a new one, read on. This blog will give you some great tips on how to make the change.
Take your time thinking about it
A lot of times, people seek change before they even know what it is that they truly want in life. Career change is a big life decision and you should take your time in determining what you really want to do. Do not rush into it and never quit prematurely. Assess your current situation. Are you doing your career change for the right reasons? What are the potential benefits of career change in your life now? Are you sure you really want to do this? Most importantly, are you ready? If you have answered all these questions, and if you have planned everything out, you’ve already finished the first step.
Look into your skills and passion
In order to know what career you want to pursue, you need to take time to understand what skills you have and what your interests are. If you know what you are good at and enjoy, it will be easier to find a job that aligns with your interests. It is easy to fall into a job without thinking about the skills needed for that job. That is why it is important to make sure that you are understanding your own skills and passion before embarking on a career change.
Seek professional guidance to help with transition
Shifting into a new career path can be difficult to do by yourself. You can look for a qualified career advisor or career coach to help you interpret whatever assessment you’ve already taken. They’ll guide you with questions that can help prepare you for the change itself. They’ll also be helpful in pulling everything together and setting goals and objectives for your successful transition.
Prepare everything you might need
Now that you’ve already thought about it and know which career fits your skills and interest, the next step is preparation. Never go to the battlefield unarmed. Prepare everything that you’ll be needing beforehand. This means re-focusing on your cover letter, references, and resume. Keep in mind that no two jobs are the same. So, you shouldn’t use the same resume when submitting an application. An ats friendly resume can be helpful, as it already contains all those three (cover letter, references, and resume) in one document. Aside from the documents needed, you should also prepare yourself. Look for interview questions and maybe try a mock interview with a friend.
Make sure you’ll give off a great first impression
First impressions are incredibly important when it comes to job applications. The first time your employer will ever lay their eyes on you is at your interview. Make sure you have done everything you need to look impressive. Start off with your interview outfit. According to a post on What to Wear to An Interview, the best way to know what attire you need is to do your research. What should you search about? The company culture — their work environment, mission, expectations and values. Based on all these, think thoroughly on what attire is the most appropriate.
Focus on your career fulfillment
You got your new job and are now making your way to your new chosen career path. Now what? Do your best to understand and finally reach the real goal of your career change, which is career fulfillment. All of these efforts in shifting to a new career path is useless if you won’t find yourself in a fulfilling career path. Do not worry, career fulfillment is a process too, and will take time to achieve. However, if you’ve followed all these tips we’ve given you, you’re surely on your way there!
Mindy Carnes is a content manager at She loves writing and talking about career tips. She also recently began her journey as a speaker and a mentor.
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